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2017 ATPAM Board & IATSE Delegate Elections


Ballots for the 2017 Board of Governor and IATSE Convention Delegate Elections are in the mail! Candidate statements have been posted online on the members only page of ATPAM’s website. Members should contact the office if they want a hard copy of the statements or if they do not receive their ballot in the mail by May 12.  Eligible voters will have the choice to vote online via the Internet or by mail.  Instructions for voting online are contained in the ballot.  Only one form of voting may be chosen: online or mail. ATPAM encourages online voting: it is an easy, safe and secure process which saves hundreds of dollars in postage. Online and mail balloting close at 5:00pm on Tuesday, June 6 with results posted on June 7. ATPAM thanks its members for making the union strong by voting!



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